738 Sheppard Ave East Suite 201, North York, Ontario info@dr-kay.net (416) 223-2151

Do I Really Need That Check-Up?

As April is Oral Health Month, it is an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of regular dental check-ups. As we have noted in past Kaydental Newsletters, the health of our teeth and gums is very important to our overall health. The dental check-up for current patients (the "recall" appointment) includes a periodontal "cleaning" by one of our dental hygienists as well as an overall check-up of your teeth, other oral structures, an oral cancer screening and discussion of any concerns you might have, or we might see, by Dr. Kay.

Since we put a strong emphasis on the health of your gums at your hygiene appointments, in this issue we would like to focus on one of the most common oral health issues: Periodontitis (Gum Disease). According to the Canadian Dental Association, 7 out of 10 Canadians will develop gum disease at some time in their lives, and the risks can increase with age. However, the damage can be stopped if periodontitis is treated early and proper oral hygiene is maintained.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a serious infection of the gums caused by the accumulation of bacteria on the teeth and gums. When bacteria stay on the teeth for more than 24 hours, they form a film called plaque. If plaque is not removed daily by proper home care (brushing and flossing), it can harden to tartar or calculus, which can only be removed by a dental health professional. At your check-up appointment, our dental hygienist will assess your dental home care and, if needed, will recommend specific ways to improve your oral hygiene.

Besides poor oral hygiene, other factors can put you at a higher risk of periodontitis, including:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Conditions that impact your immune system, such as HIV or leukemia
  • Genetics
  • Taking medications that cause dry mouth
  • Female hormonal changes, such as with pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives

Stages of Gum Disease

Inflammation (gingivitis):

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. Your gums may look red and swollen. You may notice some blood when you brush your teeth or floss, although there may not be any pain. Gingivitis can be prevented and/or reversed by maintaining good daily oral hygiene and regular professional dental cleanings. However, If left untreated, gingivitis will often progress into periodontitis.


Periodontitis affects not only the gums, but also the bone and underlying dental structures that support and keep teeth in their place. In the early stages, small pockets form between the gums and teeth. Bacteria can get into these pockets, cause infection and eventually, bone loss. You may experience bleeding and pain around the teeth as well as persistent bad breath. But sometimes, you might not have much in the way of noticeable symptoms until the more advanced stage. The deeper the pocket, the more advanced the infection is. Your check-up at Kaydental includes measuring the depth of your gums to identify any areas of concern so we can treat them as soon as possible.

In advanced stages of periodontitis, your teeth may become loose, or you might notice that your teeth appear longer. These symptoms suggest that the dental structures supporting your teeth have been affected. You may experience severe pain while chewing, severe bad breath, or a foul taste in your mouth. At that point, you are at risk of losing your teeth.

Other complications of periodontitis include:

  • Painful abscesses
  • Shifting teeth, which may interfere with eating
  • Receding gums (the teeth appear longer) or experiencing sensitivity
  • Increased risk of complications during pregnancy, including low birth weight and preeclampsia
  • Increased risk of heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes.

Treatment and Prevention of Gum Disease

The main goal of treatment is to control the infection by removing plaque and bacterial deposits on your teeth. Severe cases of periodontitis, might require antibiotics to help with persistent gum infections or surgery to restore better supporting structures for your teeth.

A combination of an at-home dental routine and regular check-ups and hygiene appointments at our office is the key to treating and preventing gum diseases.

At Home

You can help keep your gums and teeth healthy by brushing your teeth at least twice a day and daily removing plaque from between teeth with dental floss, water flosser or similar device; quitting smoking; and reducing the consumption of alcohol.

At Our Office

For most people, even good home care cannot completely eliminate the build up of harmful dental plaque. That's why home care must be supplemented with an examination and professional dental cleaning at least every six months. Depending on particular details of your oral health, our Kaydental team may recommend more frequent visits. In fact, many of our patients are on a 3-4 month schedule for dental cleanings.

Now...back to the other important reasons for a regular dental check-up.

Checking your teeth for decay or cavities is only a small part of a thorough dental exam. During each visit, your dentist or dental hygienist will also:

  • Examine your mouth for indications of possible cancer, diabetes and vitamin deficiencies.
  • Evaluate your need for tooth restoration or replacement.
  • Note any irregularities in your facial structure, bite, saliva and temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
  • Include x-rays or other diagnostic procedures as required.
  • Address your questions and concerns.

At Kaydental, we do our best to keep our patients on a "recall" schedule that is best suited to their individual oral health needs so you might receive a friendly reminder phone call or email from us if yours is past due! If it is time for your next check-up, book an appointment with us today so we can help protect and restore your smile and your health!


Fees and Financial Information

At our North York dental office, our fees are based on the most current Ontario Dental Association fee guides.

If you have any questions about the costs of any of our dental services, please contact us so one of our staff members can clarify and guide you through the price determinations.

Doctor Referral

You can find our patient referral form here. We provide dental care for the whole family, including children's dentistry and emergency dental care.

Our dentists are active members of:

Ontario Dental Association - Kaydental - North York dentist
Canadian Dental Association - Kaydental - North York dental office
Academy of General Dentistry - Kaydental - North York family dentist
Canadian Association of Orthodontists - Kaydental - North York Pediatric dentist
Canadian Dental Hygienists Association - Kaydental - North York dental hygienist
© Kaydental, North York Family Dentist - All Rights Reserved
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